Esther M. Zimmer Lederberg
Henry Howard, Earl of Surrey 1546: Sonnet LIIII

I finde no peace, and all my warre is done :
I feare, and hope: I burne, and frese like yse :
I flye aloft, yet can I not arise :
And nought I haue, and all the worlde I season.
That lockes nor loseth, holdeth me in pryson,
And holdes me not, yet can I scape no wise :
Nor lettes me lyue, nor dye, at my deuise,
And yet of death it geueth me occasion.
Without eye I se, without tong I playne :
I wish to perysh, yet I aske for helth :
I loue another, and I hate my selfe.
I fede me in sorow, and laugh in all my payne.
Lo, thus displeaseth me both death and life.
And my delight is causer of this strife.


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